Informations for specialist partners

Tutorials for skilled workers

Fitting the protection bag

Changing the gear box / spindle

Changing a strut

Changing the canopy

Installation and operating instructions

Operating instruction All Season (PDF)

Operating instruction Amalfi (PDF)

Operating instruction Amalfi Duo Quadro (PDF)

Operating instruction Belvedere (PDF)

Operating instruction BigBen (PDF)

Operating instruction BBLE (PDF)

Operating instruction heater (PDF)

Operating instruction Primus (PDF)

Operating instruction Samara (PDF)

Operating instruction Summerday (PDF)

Operating instruction Supremo

Brochures & Leaflets

Brochures and leaflets for our products can be found in the download section.

Data sheets

Logo data

We are happy to provide you with the CARAVITA logo for the use of your advertising activities within the framework of our existing partnership. Please note the following usage instructions:

  • The logo data may only be used for promotional purposes.
  • The use is only permitted to partners of CARAVITA who have a direct and permanent business relationship with CARAVITA.
  • The CARAVITA logo is a fixed entity and may not be changed in color or shape or displayed in parts only.
  • The logo may only be used with 100% opacity black on a light background or white on a dark background.
  • Animations of the logo are not permitted.
  • The use of the CARAVITA logo by external parties must not give the impression that the user is an employee, a subsidiary or an investment of CARAVITA. This is conveyed if the CARAVITA logo is displayed in a dominant manner, standing alone and in a prominent position, without any other textual additions.
  • The CARAVITA logo can be shown if it is made clear that CARAVITA is a supplier or partner. The use of the CARAVITA company name in conjunction with product designations (such as CARAVITA parasol Big Ben) is not subject to approval.

    Download logo data

Image data

We are happy to provide you with image data for use in your advertising activities as part of our existing partnership. For this purpose, we have provided you with a package containing a selection of images for download for each of our products. These are images in JPG format with a resolution of 72dpi. These images are sufficient for use in digital media, such as websites or presentations. If you need printable image data, please request them by stating the image number (= file name) at or from your known CARAVITA contact.

Please note the following usage instructions:

  • The use of the image data is only permitted to partners of CARAVITA who have a direct and permanent business relationship with CARAVITA.
  • The images may be used for up to 12 months from the time of download. In addition, the user must check that the images are up-to-date (e.g. by comparing them with the image data published here).
  • The images may not be changed in color or form (retouched).
  • CARAVITA must be named as the source of the image, unless this is evident from the context (e.g. product description with reference to CARAVITA directly next to the image).
  • Use in digital media does not require any further approval from CARAVITA, provided you comply with the specifications stated here. For use in print materials, please contact CARAVITA directly.
  • CARAVITA is the owner of the images – transfer to third parties is not permitted.

Download image packages