Legal details

Hans-Wilhelm-Renkhoff-Strasse 2
D-97828 Marktheidenfeld

Registered office: Marktheidenfeld

Phone +49-8458-60389-26
Fax +49-8458-60389-20
Commercial register Würzburg HRB 13591
Sales tax identification number: DE311283832
Authorised representative: Stephan Kliegl, Michael Schneider

Business premises/postal address:
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 78
85055 Ingolstadt

General Terms and Conditions

Our general terms and conditions can be downloaded here: GT&Cs
If desired, you can also have the General Terms & Conditions sent to you in printed from.

Information about revocation

Revocation instructions and the revocation formula can be downloaded here: Revocation instructions
If desired, you can also have the information sent to you in printed from.


The European Commission maintains a platform for the online extrajudicial settlement of disputes between users and companies (OS platform). You can access the platform at Our email address is We are neither willing nor required to take part in dispute settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

Note on copyright and/or image use

We are happy to help you present our products on your website. Please contact us if you are interested in this.
Without previous written approval, the use and reproduction of the photos and contents used on this website is prohibited.

Electrical Waste Register

WEEE registration number DE 70788290