Whistleblower system

Compliance with laws, rules and internal standards is a top priority within the WAREMA Group. This is the only way we can prevent damage to our company, our employees and business partners. As part of the WAREMA Group, this is a matter close to CARAVITA’s heart.

In order to meet legal requirements and to investigate indications of violations fairly and appropriately, we have introduced a whistleblower system. Any suspected cases – including those relating to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) – can be reported here confidentially and, if desired, anonymously.

The greatest possible protection for whistleblowers and those affected is particularly important to us. For this reason, we have set up an independent confidentiality office. The atarax group of companies performs this function. atarax’s duty of confidentiality ensures that the identity of the whistleblower is protected within the framework of the legal requirements and is not disclosed to WAREMA.

In this context, not only our employees, but also you as a business partner, customer or data subject can provide information if there is concrete information and evidence of rule violations relating to our company.

Detailed information can be found in the FAQs below.

Report suspected cases and complaints

  • You would like to report known or suspected violations of laws and CARAVITA regulations at CARAVITA or in our supply chain – regardless of whether you are employed by CARAVITA or not
  • We will treat your report confidentially and give you feedback. You will be protected from discrimination. The confidentiality of all those involved will be maintained
  • You help us to uncover abuses and protect you and others from harmful behavior


Who can submit reports and complaints?

Everyone. In addition to employees, business partners, customers and other third parties can provide information about specific violations of rules or potential grievances.

What can I report?

Any suspicion of an actual or potential violation of laws or internal regulations, such as violations of the WAREMA Code of Conduct, antitrust law, environmental regulations and obligations, violation of human rights as well as suspicion of corruption, theft, embezzlement, discrimination or bullying, unequal treatment, applicable laws or other regulations.

The human rights obligations here include, among other things, the prohibition of child labor, protection against slavery and the prohibition of disregard for occupational health and safety. Environmental aspects include, on the one hand, substances that pose a risk to people and the environment and, on the other hand, actions or circumstances that may lead to violations of human rights.

The complaints or reports can affect the direct business area, but also all of WAREMA’s suppliers and service providers along the entire supply chain.

How can I submit my complaint or report to the WAREMA Group?

  • Whistleblower telephone hotline at: 0049 / 160 / 96210839 (Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except on German holidays)
  • By email to: compliance@atarax.de
  • Via a whistleblower portal with contact form:
    The link will redirect you to the whistleblower portal of the atarax group of companies. Of course, this forwarding will not be traced.
  • Written report by post to:
    atarax group of companies, Luitpold-Maier-Str. 7, D-91074 Herzogenaurach
  • At the whistleblower’s request, it is also possible to make a report via these channels within a reasonable period of time in the context of a confidential personal meeting.
  • Written reports in all living languages ​​will be accepted via all other channels and, if necessary, translated.

Who will handle my complaint or report?

In order to guarantee the greatest possible protection for whistleblowers and those affected, we have set up an independent confidentiality office, the atarax group of companies. The reports are received by the atarax group of companies. The reports are then forwarded to the WAREMA Group’s compliance department, in particular while preserving the identity of the person providing the information. The employees of the reporting office are impartial, professionally trained and subject to a special duty of confidentiality.

If the complaint concerns a matter without employee misconduct in the company’s own business area or a business partner of the WAREMA Group along the supply chain, the compliance department will immediately forward the complaint to the relevant department within the WAREMA Group, which is responsible for processing the complaint. If there are reports of misconduct or complaints against our own employees, the compliance department will take over further processing in cooperation with the responsible human resources department.

If further information is required, the reporting office will, if possible, contact the person providing the information to obtain further information and discuss the matter.

How will my report or complaint be processed?

Once the report or complaint has been received, it is carefully checked for plausibility. If further information is required, the reporting office will, if possible, contact the person providing the information to obtain further information. As soon as this has been done and if there is concrete evidence of a breach of the rules, further measures will be initiated, e.g. in the form of a specific internal investigation or further follow-up or remedial measures, such as improving internal processes or introducing additional requirements.

All information is always processed within the framework of a fair and confidential process, particularly with regard to the identity of the person providing the information, and in compliance with data protection concerns. In addition, the principle of proportionality is observed. Please note that reports or complaints are documented.

If your contact details are available and if this should be necessary, you will be informed of the facts and the progress of the procedure in accordance with legal requirements.

Will my complaint be treated confidentially?

Suspicions can of course be reported to the whistleblower system confidentially and, if national legal requirements permit, without mentioning your name if you wish.

It is extremely important to us to treat your concerns confidentially and to protect you as the person reporting. Accordingly, information provided will only be passed on if this is necessary and legally permissible, and only to the people or persons responsible for processing the report.

All incoming information is documented, stored and deleted in accordance with legal provisions.

Will my complaint or report be processed?

Yes. We take every complaint and report that reaches us seriously. The Compliance department checks whether the complaint or report contains enough information to conduct further investigations. If the reporting office requires further information, it will contact you – if possible.

Will I receive notification about the processing of my report or complaint?

Yes, after WAREMA receives your complaint or report, you will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt from the reporting office, provided you have provided your contact details.
This also applies in the case of an anonymous report by post, provided that a reporting channel intended for anonymous reports, such as a third party (lawyer or authorized person) is used or another anonymous contact option is left.

Am I protected as a reporter?

Yes. WAREMA does not tolerate any retaliation or reprisals against people who report!

If you believe that you or another person has been disadvantaged in any way as a result of submitting a complaint, please inform WAREMA immediately using one of the reporting channels described.

What information should my report or complaint contain?

To ensure that the complaint or report is processed promptly, it is advisable to describe the facts of the case with the following information if possible:

  • What happened? Specific description of the incident and context – the more detailed the better.
  • Where did it happen? Company, area, department, etc.
  • When did the incident occur? Is the violation still ongoing? Date or period, time
  • Who are the people affected or harmed?
  • Is there evidence of the incident? Photos, videos, documents, possible witnesses, etc.
  • Has anyone else already been informed about the incident?
  • How should we continue to contact you regarding this report?

The above information facilitates and speeds up the proper processing of a complaint. The list is therefore intended to assist in formulating a complaint or report. However, it is not a prerequisite for processing.

Is the complaints procedure reviewed regularly?

Yes, our complaints procedure is regularly reviewed for its effectiveness and improved where necessary.

Further information on the processing of your data can be found here.


The WAREMA Group Compliance Department is responsible for the content of this page

Thorsten Koblenz
WAREMA Renkhoff SE
Compliance Officer
E-mail: thorsten.koblenz@warema.de
Tel: +49 9391 20-2200
97828 Marktheidenfeld